Forum Discussion

sdial77's avatar
Apr 02, 2016

DC power / converter issue

OK guys. I am new to the site, and fairly new to RVing. we bought a 2003 Salem 26BH last September. Since then we have taken it out 1 time. We are going out next weekend.
I am having a problem with the DC system / battery. When I bought the TT, it was missing a battery. I bought a battery and installed it. The lights worked when unplugged from shore power, but were about half as bright as they should have been. Since then, the lights do not work when unplugged from shore power. I have checked the battery voltage and it reads 12.52. I found a trouble shooting guide for my Parallax 7355. According to the guide all is working correct. Checking the DC voltage, I have 13.60. I checked all the fuses and even the input AC at 122 volts. I am at a loss as what is wrong. The only thing I know to do is replace the converter. Does anyone have any ideas that could be wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help.
  • Problem solved. After spending an hour and half and a trip to Advance Auto, and about $12 I re did my ground and replaced a bad breaker by the battery, everything works perfect. When I tried to remove a bolt from a stud on the breaked, the stud pulled out of the breaker. Thanks for all the help guys.
  • What's the voltage at the battery and at the converter fuse panel when unplugged from shore power (with a few lights on)? You may have a bad connection or circuit breaker somewhere.
  • The converter isn't doing anything when operating from battery. Odds are, you connected the battery wrong.
  • Iwould expect to see a small 1 inch cube circuit breaker near the battery. Some are auto-resetting and some have a small button to push.
    If it is a fuse, it would be in about a 2.5 inch long .5 inch diameter holder if it is a glass fuse. A spade type fuse would be a small rectangular shape with reubber cover(maybe)
    Ince they work but are dim fuse or circuit breaker is not the problem.
    It could be corrosion in the circuit that drags down the voltage. You would need to start at the battery and follow the good voltage.
  • All the lights work when plugged in. I will check all the connections near the battery tomorrow evening.
    What will the fuse look like near the battery? Not sure what to look for there.
  • Do the lights work when plugged into shorepower since you did say you measured 13.6 volt from converter output. My converter is wired to both the battery and DC distribution circuit so I don't need battery to have lights as long as I'm plugged in.

    My rig has a cut-off switch when activated kills all lights and other dc devices whether plugged in or running off battery. With voltmeter trace voltage to battery and dc distribution panel to verify they are getting converter output.

    If lights do work when plugged in but do not when only on battery voltage there is a fuse nearby battery that is blown or corroded, might be located in a junction box that is located not far from battery location. Converter at this point seems to be OK from details you provided.
  • I would recheck the converter output at the 12 volt DC distribution panel.
    Check to see if there is a main fuse from the converter.
    I then would call Randy at Best Converter as I believe your converter is toast.