Old Days wrote:
I had new Firestone tires on my Subaru, took it in for free tire rotation a week later I open the hood and see that they took the hose clamp off of the air intake and the hose fell off. So the car was not having filtered air in the engine the whole time. So from that time on I do every thing myself.
This is a result of the "free safety inspection game" A lot of these lizards want to get you in the door for any reason, and then take the time to pull engine and cabin air filters, look at tires, brakes, etc... in an attempt to sell you anything and everything you are dumb and gullible enough to buy. I had one clown who not only failed to reassemble the engine air box correctly, rendering the filter useless, but he dislocated the glove box door while hunting for the cabin air filter, and was too stupid or lazy to fix the mess.
At this point the only exposure I would even have to that game is needing to have a recall done, and anymore the first thing out of my mouth, before I hand the keys over to a dealer, or other potentially sleazy shop is, DO NOT do any free inspection of ANYTHING. Do what the work I came here for, and don't touch anything unrelated to that job.