^ Amen.
My first lesson was with Firecrap (stone) back in the day. Growing up, we didn't use mechanic shops, unless it was rebuilding a transmission and even then, it was usually a junkyard swap. One benefit of growing up poor, makes you handy, lol.
My new GF at the time, now wife of 24years (.)(.) bought this coupon book for discounted services at firestone, they were selling the books at our college.
She takes the car in for an alignment iirc. It was a super craptacular Nissan 200sx (by Datsun dontcha know). $19.99 or something with the coupon. She calls me crying saying her car is going to be, idk, $300 or something to fix. Those forkers had a RO a page long written up. Everything from brakes to tune up to all kinds of stuff.
Was my first experience at telling a group of "professional" techs very unpolitely to go fck their hat, do the ^(&^ing alignment and park the car out front!