talonhead wrote:
Just a word of advice for those of you out there with late model Fords. If you don't have an old school mechanical oil pressure gage, beware. The OEM Ford "gage" is nothing but a gage hooked to an oil pressure switch (7 psi) and a resister to give a mid-range indication! My '93 Tbird SC Supercharged v6 and my '99 F250 v10 are both this way. (I have verified this personally). On my TBird, I found the resistor on the back of the cluster, removed it and soldered in a jumper. Then I installed a pressure sending unit-----DIFFERENT FROM A PRESSURE SWITCH!
Don't rely on your Ford oil pressure gage as an indication of REAL pressure. I hade a low output pump I.e. 15psi gage read mid range. I found out it had the low pressure by using a mech gage. Replaced oil pump and oil pressure was at 40....... Gage read mid-range. The pressure switch is set for about 7pst, when it opens it gives the "low pressure" lite on the cluster. I still run with the mech gage as I haven't felt like tearing out my dash and converting the gage/meter and piping a sending unit.
Sounds like a lot of those 70's Ford gas gauges that only ever read between 1/2 and 1/4 tank. :)