Barry W wrote:
Called to get an update for my Host Cascade build. I signed the papers March 31, I was given a build date last of September, first of October. Build date has been pushed to end of October, first of November. Obtaining materials and components are causing the delays. I'm now thinking I may not even have my camper by the end of the year. Just venting. Barry
Yes, waiting sucks. But with the reality of where manufacturing're not doing to bad. Fact is, we created this..doesn't matter what industry, everything is struggling. Between supply issues and lack of workers (and those two go hand in hand most often, compounding the supply issue) it's a small miracle just getting something that is complete.
One cannot simply 'shut down' entire industries, pay people to stay home, and think that everything is going to keep chugging along normally.
Hope you see soon... would be a GREAT Christmas gift!!