I haven't seen any changes in Indiana and I filled my truck Monday, 22 gallons. I broke my own rule this time however, I went below half a tank before refilling. But I'm home right now, and have access to local stations all around. According to Gas Buddy, right now, prices are 2.79, 2.65, 3.69, 2.95, 2.85, 2.99 oh here's one for 2.59, and one for 2.55 (Rickers in Carmel) and BP in Oaklandon (Indianapolis area).
Speedway in Noblesville is 2.55, BP is Fishers is 2.54
Whereas those same stations for regular gas are: 2.19, 1.28, 2.72, 2.26, 2.14, 2.12.
Looks like gas is still cheaper than diesel all across central Indiana.