hedge wrote:
snip... not sure how much the weight capacity of these would be.../snip
pressure x area will give you capacity. Looks like the hose is rated to 150psi water pressure, 8" diameter hose will give you about a 12" width x 16" long x 150 psi will give you about 28,000 lbs of lift. There are other weak points due to construction, the valve stem connection, the joint at the end. Also, as you lift, the contact area will become less. Even still, the lifting capacity of the bag is probably equal to that of your tire. With a 265 width tire, at 30 psi, it will exert the force to lift about 3000 lbs (10x10x30)(assuming a square contact patch). From my experience with other lifting bags, a failure isn't an explosion, but a slow whoosh. Pretty cool idea as compared to my stairstep boards, which are heavy and in the way because they are hard to store.