Forum Discussion

Aluminum_Siding's avatar
Aug 04, 2014

Do You Flush.

Here in California we are in a pretty serious drought. I normally back flush my black tank several times. This wastes a lot of time and tons of water, but the thought of any doo doo lurking in my tank really freaks me out.

Was wondering if any body just dumps and calls it a day? Do you add any water? I'm thinking of using using an enzyme based product like Unique RV Digest-It. They state just drain and don't flush at all. This would save water and be a huge time saver.

"Normal Use
Dump holding tank but do not flush the system with water (this will remove any necessary bacteria still working). Add 2 ounces of RV DIGEST-IT down toilet for every 40 gallons in tank."

RV Digest-It