We don't fill up the black tank several times to flush, waste of time and water. Simply use internal tank sprayer/rinser for a couple of minutes to move remaining debris toward outlet. At most 8-10 gallons of water for rinsing with little time added to the whole process since we start sprayer when tank is 3/4 empty.
We were at a FHU site and DW wanted to just refill black tank and re-dump which we did. Viewing the clear elbow on our sewer hose it seemed to show some residual waste was left behind from our first dumping. We even attempted a third fill and dump of black tank and again there was a bit of residual waste but mostly ran clear.
To justify to DW why I don't do the continual refill and dump process and just use the internal sprayer method, I quickly hooked hose to rinser and lo and behold clear elbow was now showing brown with significant pieces of paper rolling out of what she thought was a clean black tank. She was both surprised and disgusted at what was left after 3 fill/dump procedures.
If we still have more camping to do we just dump and add water and we're good to go, but if we are not going to be camping for at least a couple of weeks we pop on the hose and let the internal spray rinser have at it for a minute or two. Purchased this rig new and after 7 years sensors still work like the day we brought our TT home. No chemicals, just lots of water when using the commode and occasionally rinsing via internal sprayer does the trick for us.