Forum Discussion

Aluminum_Siding's avatar
Aug 04, 2014

Do You Flush.

Here in California we are in a pretty serious drought. I normally back flush my black tank several times. This wastes a lot of time and tons of water, but the thought of any doo doo lurking in my tank really freaks me out.

Was wondering if any body just dumps and calls it a day? Do you add any water? I'm thinking of using using an enzyme based product like Unique RV Digest-It. They state just drain and don't flush at all. This would save water and be a huge time saver.

"Normal Use
Dump holding tank but do not flush the system with water (this will remove any necessary bacteria still working). Add 2 ounces of RV DIGEST-IT down toilet for every 40 gallons in tank."

RV Digest-It
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    Previous TTs did not have a flush system so I went 18 years or so without flushing. The new unit has one so I tried it once. I didn't see a need to do it again.

    I guess my short answer is no, I do not flush, use chemicals, enzymes or add water afterwards. I dump and call it a day.
  • use a black tank sprayer flush which doesn't require filling the tank 3 4 times.
  • I don't flush every time but if it's going into storage for a couple of weeks, headed to the shop or if we've been around the grandkids for a week, I flush my black tanks. It's amazing the crude I can get on the 2nd flush.

    I leave it run for 5-10 min then shut the valve and let it fill for 2-3 min (watch gage) then dump again. Don't "see" much improvement after that in the clear elbow. Just want to make sure I got most the chunks and paper out.

    Comparing Tank Flushers in the Clear RV Black Tank
  • Been RVing for almost 40 years and haven't flushed yet. To each their own' however. I do not think there is a right answer. As said, I don't primarily because of the water waste and the time.
  • I use the RV Enzymes stuff. It sits in there and eats all the junk and does its thing. Give it time to work though, at least 8 hours (or overnight is even better)

    The only time I'd do a black tank flush is if I were going to trade in or sell the unit.
  • Have only flushed twice in two years. Didn't really have a need that I knew of, just felt like it and no one was waiting while I was emptying the tanks. Have dumped ice cubes in twice and used the GEO method twice, again, just because I felt like it.
