intravino wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
^ Well that’s good to hear and appears that you are making a much more informed decision than I had assumed.
If you’re comfortable with the mechanical condition, then that’s the most important part of the equation.
Good luck if you purchase it.
Thanks for your input.
I am not sure If I will buy it because I am perfectionist and I know it is a 20 year truck but I want my truck without rust and perforation. I will use this truck mostly for a truck camper. Like you said previously, I could spend major bucks for the body work and probably later on for the drivetrain. It will be a sunken cost.
My final question is: even with a perfect body, is a 3500 2x4 V10 dually of that year worth about $ 10000 CAD or $ 7500 USD ?
I guess if the engine was a Cummins, then the answer would be YES ?
Thanks Again,
You are correct. Although a V10 perfect shape decent miles would probably bring $5-7k us or so. 2wd kills the price.
Since across the border travel and transactions are somewhere between difficult and impossible, like I suggested earlier, look at the wet side of lower mainland BC. Those will be the “good” trucks in Canada. Just watch out for ex oil field trucks if you’re looking at newer models.
If you’re a perfectionist, then the truck you’re looking at will always be a heap. As soon as you “fix” what you were proposing, rust will pop up elsewhere. You’ll keep chasing it and sinking $ and time into it.
IMO it’s never a winning proposition to repair rust on a daily driver. Only if the entire vehicle is tore down, and /or it becomes a garage queen. Otherwise you’ll keep chasing it. And the mechanical stuff is more of a challenge with everything rusted up on the chassis.