OK, I'm back! got the photos of my Outback.
Here's a photo of the handle in the back position. We normally travel with handle in this position. When we had our walk through, the service tech advised to never travel with the handle forward over the door, as the rubber on the handle would rub, and eventually it would have to replace. In the back position, the rubber does not touch the trailer at all. And he was right.
Here's the handle in normal "operational mode".
And here's the position the OP is addressing:
Now, while I was there, I decided to try to pull the handle and see if I could get it to pop away from the door with out lifting it, just pressure. The answer is, "No" I could not. And I definitely could not force it to pop away from the door by tugging on the door:
So, in my opinion, "yes" this is a safety concern. (and frankly, one I never about before until I read this thread.
Here's some more close-ups of what happening with the handle:
In order to get the handle to pop up, it has raise this much. If you notice, the forward direction U shape is not near as deep as the front one, but it still will not pop out of the U because of all the spring tension holding it down.
Here's a different angle, with the handle resting on the U catches. You can see how deep the U catches are:
And not only the TOP of the handle, but the bottom too has those U shaped catches. That handle will NOT open if it's against the door without lifting it up first, then swinging it.
Here's another view of the U shape catch and how deep the handle sits in it:
So you know, I'm going to have figure out how to prevent this handle from swinging forward over the door. Not sure how, mine is designed a bit different than the OP's, but I sure do thank him for drawing this to my attention.