-- Do you mean two alternators in parallel, which is what most manufacturers do, or,
-- Do you mean two independent alternators?
Two alternators in parallel basically act like one bigger alternator and this may be all you need. (This is what I have on my truck to charge 150Ah of starter and 600Ah of camper. The advantage of this set up is that all all of the amps produced by the two alternators are available to all of the batteries. (Assuming, and this is important, proper wiring.)
With two, separate alternators you may have less total amperage available, but you have the possible advantage that the second alternator/regulator can have a different charging profile. (This may or may not be important.) This thread may be useful: http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/19027379/gotomsg/19029509.cfm#19029509 User Mike Tassinari has a very nice dual alternator set up. Do note that is is using cables that are MUCH larger than any standard tailer connector.
It is worth noting that with a large camper battery bank, say 200+ Ah, you may never drive long enough to achieve a full charge with any alternator(s) and you will probably need a secondary charge source - solar or shore power. As this secondary charge source is the one that will take the batteries from bulk through acceptance charge, to float, is is important that this charger have the proper profile to match the camper batteries.