Dry camping in a trailer is a little different than a overhead camper. With the overhead camper you have to have a way to separate the RV batteries from the chassis batteries while you are parked. It has been my experience that the isolators are much more unreliable than a separate alternator system. There is the option for a throw switch to isolate the RV batteries. The really only safe place to have that switch is under the hood as it is a direct open metal switch to the positive side of the chassis battery that you need to keep covered. It is connected from the Chassis battery positive terminal to the RV battery positive terminal so it is hot even when it is in the open position. Or you can unplug your camper at it's umbilical plug. All of these require that you think about what you are doing.
With a trailer you will most likely unplug your umbilical when camped. No problem there unless you are inclined to run off to the soda shop with your trailer unhooked but plugged in. :)
With a second alternator all the problems are solved. You just pull over. Park, hop out of your truck and pop on your dunce cap. ;)