Nwatkins176 wrote:
adamis wrote:
Not exactly on topic to the camper but a sidebar discussion for you to consider. If your going to be towing a lot, consider having your tow trailer tongue modified to be extendable so that it reaches the hitch on the truck without the super truss extension. I had a local trailer shop do this for my 12ft cargo trailer. When the camper is off the truck, I can tow the trailer in a normal configuration. When the camper is on however, I pull a pin on the trailer tongue, slide it out about 4ft and replace the pin. Now my tongue will easily reach the hitch on the truck. No need to hassle with a heavy super truss setup and it reduces the stress on the truck as the closer your hitch is to the axle, the less moment arm there is exerting pressure.
Any clearance issues when turning? Or do you use a foldable jack? I like that idea
No clearance issues that I have encountered and I've driven about 1000 miles at this point with it. I did have the rear jacks raised about 6" just to give a bit more clearance when I'm turning. I've been on some pretty small narrow, winding and steep roads and yet to encounter a problem. It does seem counterintuitive that there is enough clearance but there is. Here are
some pictures of the setup to reference. One of those pictures I took while at a turn on a driveway that had a fairly steep angle between the ramp and the road. You can see there is still quite a bit of clearance even at that angle.
I wouldn't take it 4x4ing but as a pavement queen it works quite well.