I took my Ford out this morning and conducted a test that I think demonstrates the effectiveness of an exhaust brake.
On a level stretch of highway I revved the truck to 3500 rpm in 3rd gear before backing off on the accelerator. I watched the speedometer as the truck started to slow down and with the exhaust brake off I timed how long it took for the truck to slow from 100 kph to 80 kph. I then followed the same procedure with the exhaust brake on. Then I timed how long it took for the truck to slow from 100 to 80 kph with the transmission in neutral. After recording the results I found an online calculator that allowed me to calculate the negative horsepower acting on the truck in each of the three cases. Here are the results:
Exhaust brake off ............. 5.25 seconds ...... negative 142 horsepower (subsequent tests revealed this number to be false. A more accurate value is 7.3 seconds and 102 negative Hp with the exhaust brake off. See edit)
Exhaust brake on ............. 3.98 seconds ...... negative 187 horsepower
Transmission in neutral .... 16.5 seconds ...... negative 45 horsepower
So the results demonstrate that on my Ford turning the exhaust brake on gives about 45 additional braking HP over transmission braking alone with the engine revved in the range of 3200 to 2600 rpm. I agree with Me Again in that you can feel the difference. To use the full potential of the exhaust brake my truck would have to be revved to 4000 rpm.
Here is a link to the online calculator:
clickEdit: I did a redo on this experiment. The first time I conducted this test I went out early in the morning while the truck had not yet warmed up. Tonight with the truck thoroughly warmed up the time to decelerate from 100 to 80 without the use of the exhaust brake was 7.3 seconds as opposed to 5.25 seconds. I wonder if when truck was cold the turbo could have been partially restricted to aid in warning the engine? This time testing I conducted the test over several times. With the exhaust brake on the time to slow down was very consistent. With it off there was much more variation. 7.3 was pretty typical and once it slowed down in 5.8 seconds. Anyway 7.3 seconds means 102 negative horsepower without the exhaust brake on.