SoundGuy wrote:
CavemanCharlie wrote:
Just get whatever the wife wants. Otherwise you will both be miserable.
JMO but this is terrible advice. :( By observation my own wife is no different than most and only cares about the floor plan, interior amenities, and decor of any trailer. She has zero interest in the technical aspects - length, weight, what it takes to tow it, how easy or difficult it may be to park, what it takes to maintain it, etc, etc, etc. BOTH partners need to have input when selecting a trailer suitable for both so to suggest "just get whatever the wife wants" is sure to result in disappointment later when it becomes apparent those aforementioned technical details are just as important and not to be ignored. ;)
Right on SoundGuy, Whenever we look for a TT, she picks the floor plan but I hold out for aerodynamics and weight. I've rejected 90% of TT's she'd like cause they had flat backs (bad design). Ended up with a very aerodynamic '05 26' TrailCruiser that our weak engined 94 Suburban can tow comfortably. Took us about a year to find a good one.