thirtydaZe wrote:
Markiemark32 wrote:
thirtydaZe wrote:
How come so many run their fridge off of propane when traveling? I run ours, but don't run the propane route.
My extension cord to run electric is not long enough when traveling.
So propane is used when I travel.
Mine appears to run off the battery just fine. with the 7 pin plugged into the back of my truck, never an issue.
Is it not designed to run this way?
IF your fridge is a 3-way (AC--then Propane---then DC) it can run on DC power
IF your fridge is a 2-way (AC or propane) then it only uses AC when plugged in and Propane when not if in 'auto'
The DC supplies control board/panel power only.
Is your fridge a 3-way?