There was a question as to what I tow with.
I already stated the answer. Here it is again
I have had two SRWs, followed by two DRWs.
And I will state again, it is not one single factor such as the suspension that makes a dually better, but the sum of all of the factors.
Tires, wheelbase, suspension, weight, etc. It all adds up.
As for snow and mud, I have done that too.. Not a side by side comparison, and that is key as these types of conditions can vary a lot....But no matter. I seriously doubt that most will have white knuckle experiences at the low speeds these conditions would be encountered in no matter what they are towing with.
Highways speeds OTOH are a different story.
It is very unusual to find someone with a dually who ever goes back to a SRW. Gotta be a reason for that.
And yes I know that there have been some on this thread., But some of them aren't normal for what ever reason.... One of them is famous for talking in many threads about the 26% grades that his truck must be able to tow up and down.
Hardly relavent to the majority of TT owners who will never see anything close to such a grade.