Forum Discussion

klr650goldwing's avatar
Feb 08, 2020


We are close to buying a F350, 6.7 to pull a 5th wheel that weighs 12,650 empty. I'm guessing it weighs close to 14,000 lbs. once we are loaded and ready to travel, but we haven't weighed it yet. Currently, we have a SRW, F350. But we are wondering about DRW trucks and whether or not that would be a benefit, or how much of a benefit. Please tell us what you think are the pros and cons of DRW trucks, what weight of trailer would cause you to use DRWs etc.
  • Cummins12V98 wrote:
    Too funny!

    You really think you will only add 1,300# to your RV? We have added near 6k.

    There’s a wife joke lurking here somewhere.
  • Long bed dual wheel trucks make the best tow vehicles. But as often pointed out the aren't the best for every thing else, sometimes they flat suck. I own a HD truck for one reason, to tow with. That's why we have a diesel DRW truck. I could have gone with a SRW at our weight, but a 18 GM SRW 3500 would have been at max with the load we carry. With the DRW truck I don't have to worry if I carry more firewood, or we change what or how we load. If we were to ever load to the 5'vers GVWR of 14,400 the SRW truck would likely have been over GVWR and close to RAWR.
  • “We have added near 6k.”

    And I thought I packed heavy!
  • See if that truck is rated for the gvw and hitch weight of that fiver and also the gcvw of the combo. My srw was 97 2500 and a 10k fiver maxed it out... Not for power but for payload. Im on my third drw and I would never go back. I can't really comment on a late model 3500 srw but I know they are a big improvement over my 97 2500. Craig
  • Too funny!

    You really think you will only add 1,300# to your RV? We have added near 6k.
  • IF your buying a NEW truck from any of the big 3, the newer generation SRW are well suited to do the job for that weight fiver...

    The Payload, RAWR, and tire ratings are ALL that really matter..
  • No fun driving a DRW around town or exploring away from the campsite. They look funny too IMO.