burningman wrote:
I can do fab work, I'm a hot rod guy who has built cars & trucks from the ground up, and I'm a truck & heavy equipment guy for a living. I'm not afraid of steel and a welder. But this really doesn't even appear to need any custom work at all. The bags I have clamp on top of the leafs and the top brackets bolt to the outside of the frame rails. There's plenty of room to use two per side.
I just like the idea of spreading the stress out over more area and more hardware.
I almost can't believe nobody's already done it.
Interesting, very. That's what I was thinking, if both bags were fore and aft of each other, same side verses inboard/outboard they would work closer in unison. But just looking at mine, 01' F250, lower mount is also clamped to spring pack. Just seems clamping that much of the pack may yield some um, 'unknown' or undesirable results? Also moving the vertical line of travel, 2 either side of center, other than tad shorter, would effect response?
The upper bracket makes sense and where most issues occur, though Id lean toward one long bracket. Then again, its restricting that much frame-would it focus forces applied to frame?
Dual bags seems would be ideal, I cant see any faults, a lot of pluses. Mounts though is where I see it easy to create a problem, some thought required, makes my head bubble...it is an interesting idea. Wouldn't have occurred to me simply from cost.
I added small pings tanks. They, other than improving ride, did take out that impact under hard fast hits, so in a way did remove some of the shock seen by brackets.