day several years ago...I had a few too many ultra mouth began flowing like the whiskey...I needed ice and I called out to my wife who as working in the kitchen as Mennonite women do....she brought the ice, and proceeded to sit at the poker game...with about 40 dollars in the pot, I have nothing in my hand , but a great poker strategy couple with a face that said royal flush....wife blurts out..."why are you betting so much, your cards aren't even pairs".... Called, lost...I said "back to kitchen farm girl! Know your place!" We laughed and was all over.
Couple years later we develop what today is an amazing trailer backing system with her as a spotter...honestly, it's stunning to watch...
Several years of a 100 or more nights on the road, I back up (with her spotting) as well as a drive forwards.
Several years later we learned to communicate with esp
Several years later, I said, "lovely treasured wife, would you mind driving today ?"
She said..." Shut up farm boy, know your place"
Be happy yours drives forwards.