naturist wrote:
Can't spot to save her life. Insists on standing where I can't see her, and should I by chance catch sight of her, she's waving her arms all over in ways I didn't know they could wave and that make no sense. And that's in spite of every attempt to say "stand HERE, just point in the direction the back end has to go." Lasts maybe 5 seconds and she's back directly behind and waving incoherently.
OK, at the risk of my wife EVER stumbling across this post......we use cell phones or walki talkies. She'll stand where I can't see her and tell me "turn this way". Or she'll say "stop" I stop then "now goe this way" like the back of the teailer can turn on a dime. Our side yard, where we park the trailer, is a tight fit between a privacy fence and a row of arborvitae. One time the trailer bumper is up against the tree, which I couldn't see because of the turning angle. She kept saying back up and I was wondering what was wrong with the tv because it wasn't moving. Good thing those things are soft! Good thing I love her!