My DW tows our 28' TT, and she does a really good job. She dosent have any problems maneuvering around truck stops and such. I haven't even thought about getting her to back it up. It took me 30 yrs of towing boats to teach her how to give good hand signals while I backed up.
She used to stand there and wave me back, finally yeling "stop, your right over the ball, now you just need to go over to the left 6" ". It would drive me crazy.
I'm not a real backseat driver, but I used to give her a few suggestions while she drove. She would let me go for about 30 seconds, then say "you wanted me to drive so you could take a nap. you have two ways to get to sleep, close your eyes or I'm going to whack you over the head with a hammer. "
Yes, we have a pretty good system too,
If I keep my mouth shut I don't have to make a pit stop at the emergency room.