Forum Discussion

charszy's avatar
Nov 03, 2016

Ecoboost vs Hemi

Hey guys I need some guidance. I have a 2013 F150 3.5L Ecoboost with the 3.55 axle. I have 70,000 miles on it. I bought it used about 2 years ago and have been up with it until this past month. I pulled our camper (30’ Jayco, approx. 7,000lbs loaded) about 3 weeks ago and the turbo went out. I took it to the dealer and they replaced the solenoid on the exhaust. I pulled our camper again this past weekend and the same thing happened. The truck is back at the dealer and I’m waiting for the verdict. The truck does seem overloaded by the weight when I’m pulling the camper and the truck rocks from side to side when I accelerate from a stop.

My father-in-law has a 2006 1500 Ram Hemi and swears by it. He also pulls a comparable size camper and said he’s also had plenty of power. I have a bad feeling I’m going to start having continuous problems with the truck and wonder if now if the time to trade. Has anyone else gone from an Ecoboost to a Hemi? Also, is the Ram just better designed for pulling a load than the Ecoboost?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

  • The newer 3.5L Ecoboost F150 has 365HP and 420 lb ft torque
    Ram 5.7L Hemi 395HP 410 lb ft torque.
    Both at the flywheel not to the wheels.

    Did both turbos go out or just one? The 3.5l does have 2 you know.

    My toad has the Ecoboost 3.5l but it's only rated to pull up to a 1,000 lb trailer. :(
    Had a dyno on it after some work including new down pipes, 93 octane tuner, 3 map, 160 thermostat, plugs, Airaid air intake, muffler change ended up at the wheels 355HP & 380 lb ft Torque
  • I have never towed with an Ecoboost but I have been towing with my 2005 Dodge Quad Cab (before they were Rams) 5.7 Hemi with 3.92 gears and it pulls very well. My Hemi only has 345hp and I believe 375ft lbs torque but the newer Hemis have more power. The only complaint I have is 2nd gear on the 5 speed transmission is geared a little high and doesn't keep the Hemi in the higher RPM range as I would like. From what I hear the 8 speed transmission is much better. The 5.7 Hemi has been around since 2003 and is a very durable engine. I have 97,000 miles on mine and have only just changed the oil, tires, etc. No problems with it at all and it still has a ton of power.

    As others have said, the current Ram 1500s have coil springs which seem to have lowered the payload capacity so that will be something you will have to keep in mind. My 2005 has leaf springs and the payload is just above 1500lbs which works well with my TT loaded at around 6000-6500lbs.

  • rcmiller32 wrote:
    Having towed our company's 7000 lb rated utility trailer close to fully loaded with the following vehicles, 2011 Ford F150 3.5 Eco Boost, 2012 Dodge 1500 with V-8 Hemi and now a 2012 Ford F150 with 5.0 V-8. The Eco Boost towed the best when in the hills due to the turbo, then the Dodge with the Hemi then the Ford with the 5.0. All three had gears that were very close. Both Fords with 3:55 and I can not remember what the Dodge had but it was very close. The Eco Boost and Hemi both had around 65-70K on them the 5.0 currently has 68K on it.

    Never had any turbo problems with it and it currently has around 156K on it. The Hemi has around 165K on it and is now used for close by stuff no long trips or towing. On every long trip or attempt to tow it throws check engine codes, and results in a trip to Dodge for more wasted dollars. It also had the softest rear springs out of the three.

    Good luck on what you pick or do.

    I have the same experience when I had my 2011 Ecoboost 3.73 6-speed versus my BIL's 2012 Hemi 3.92 6-speed. Our trailers at the time were very similar with maybe a 300 lb difference between them. Pulling away from a stop, you had to give the Hemi more throttle to get the rpm's up. You can immediately tell that the Ecoboost had way more torque and power than the Hemi did below 3,500 rpm. The big difference is going up hills. His dropped down to 2nd at around 4,500 rpm to pull the hills at 65 mph while mine would pull the same hill at 2,800 rpm in 4th doing 65 mph. Both will pull the weight, but they just do it differently. The Hemi just needs lower gears with more rpm's(4k-6k) to do the same work that the Ecoboost can do at higher gears and lower rpm's(2k-4k).

    As far as the displacement argument goes, the Ecoboost has more effective displacement due to forced induction cramming the equivalent air of a larger engine. At full boost at peak torque(2,500 rpm) the Ecoboost has an effective displacement of a 7.0L while the Hemi is a 5.7L throughout its whole rpm range.
  • I am a Mopar guy but I would get the warranty work done on the Ford and press on.
  • Having towed our company's 7000 lb rated utility trailer close to fully loaded with the following vehicles, 2011 Ford F150 3.5 Eco Boost, 2012 Dodge 1500 with V-8 Hemi and now a 2012 Ford F150 with 5.0 V-8. The Eco Boost towed the best when in the hills due to the turbo, then the Dodge with the Hemi then the Ford with the 5.0. All three had gears that were very close. Both Fords with 3:55 and I can not remember what the Dodge had but it was very close. The Eco Boost and Hemi both had around 65-70K on them the 5.0 currently has 68K on it.

    Never had any turbo problems with it and it currently has around 156K on it. The Hemi has around 165K on it and is now used for close by stuff no long trips or towing. On every long trip or attempt to tow it throws check engine codes, and results in a trip to Dodge for more wasted dollars. It also had the softest rear springs out of the three.

    Good luck on what you pick or do.
  • I agree. Hook up to you FIL's truck, and tow your camper. then you will be able to see the difference, if any.
    And yeah. We all know he will be more than happy to do it. After all. You married his baby girl. Plus, he will want to show off his truck
  • A 1500 Ram with a 5.7 hemi will have plenty of power to pull 7k. What it doesn't have is the payload to carry the tongue weight with any passengers on board. Rams have the lowest ratings of all the 1/2 tons.
  • There is an old saying that "You can't beat cubic inch" when it comes to engine power. I do believe that still holds true today. I'm a mopar guy so I would take the 6.4 hemi any day except in a dually, see signature.
  • Sorry to hear of your troubles with the Eco... By all rights, it should not have done that that with a #7000 TT...

    But, stuff happens so there you go..

    Maybe you can talk your FIL to let you tow your TT with his truck and you can make a better comparison between the two?...

    Sure, that's a tall favor to ask.. I don't know that I'd let you do that, but if I was so proud of my HEMI, I'd go for it in the end.. :)

    I love my Eco, but I'm only towing a #5000 TT, so there you go..

    Good luck!

  • This is going to get fun real fast!!!!

    Not sure why you are having any problems towing that weight as we have guys on here that tow 32' dual slide trailers and claim that can run 70 mph climbing any grade you throw at them!

    All kidding aside, did the truck tow fine before the turbo issue if so and you like the truck have it fixed. If not take your dads truck and hook it to the trailer and see how it tows. That would be what I would do.

    All you are going to get here is brand cheerleaders bashing the other brands truck.
