2oldman wrote:
Huntindog wrote:
name some that can be verified
Seriously? You don't know fossil fuels are subsidized? I'm sure you can look this up yourself.
Hunting dog.
Drilling on gov't land is a boon for drillers, Drilling costs and lease costs are WAY less than private mineral rights. And since the holding are offan massive, the cost to pay our royalties (if there even are any) is way less than tracking mineral right ownership on townships of land and negotiating with EVERY mineral right holder,
And then the mineral right holder get money BACK from the gov't in the form of "depletion allowance" for what they have sold, doesn't matter if it is on public or private land.
Right now I'm getting 1 out of 5 barrels for our leases plus we got a sizeable amount up front even before drilling, way higher payout than the gov't gets on public lands. THAT is a SUBSIDY since the gov't isn't getting market prices for leases.
MANY MANY things one takes for granted today started with massive gov't subsidies. The IC industry is an example, many of the IC's and process development was funded either directly or through military contracts, and we all benefit.
GPS was/is a MASSIVE gov't subsidy, we all benefit from.
Cell coverage, again massive net gov't funding in the initial sales and leases for rights to put up towers. Way more received than paid for the leases. Weather they recieved the money from the gov't or ended up with way below market rates, it amounts to gov't funding, directly or indirectly.
There are those than fear or don't want change when technology advances, there are those who embrace it as early adopters, but we all eventually will end up having to live with it.
EV's are following the "Crossing the Chasm" model, early adopters, technology development, initial resistance, but once it crosses the "Chasm" into widespread acceptance, watch out, that's when it takes off like a rocket.
IMHO hybrids, either mild or plug in have crossed the chasm, All EV, not yet, but have great applicability for certain applications. Those that drive every day, but maybe 100-200 miles/day (delivery drivers, USP, mail etc.) or those of us who have/need two cars, one of which an EV offers great advantage in lifetime cost and our other vehicle, truck, car, etc. we can use for non EV applicable appliations, towing, long distance driving etc.
In the end, will EV's deliver on what people expect? Probably not everything, but long term there IMHO they will be a net positive.
Even today, for us even a plug in hybrid would (a) reduce our "fuel" costs and (b) virtually eliminate trips to the gas station (c) in many case better performance than a ICE comparable.
Even our "mild" hybrid paid back the initial cost difference ($1500) in 2 years with the 50% improvement in around town mileage, along with slightly better highway mileage and performance that blow the on hybrid out of the water.
When with EV's cross the chasm? Don't know but I'm sure they will
I can remember over the years people saying
a) I'll NEVER buy a car with a catalytic converter
b) I'll NEVER buy a computer, totally worthless
c) I see no need for a cell phone
d) Digital camera, a farce, nothing better than Kodachrome
e) Never buy a car with engine electronics, can't work on it
everyone can probably add to the list