wmoses wrote:
There you go, however instead of bolting, weld it to the outside of the leg - whole length is not necessary, maybe just half way to the frame and to the ground would be enough. This is a simply supported beam with a loint load nominally at mid span. Max deflection is in way of the strut.
Alas, I'm not a welder. I do have drills and good metal bits though.
But, Engineers!!! Looked up the formula for beam deflection, plugged in Moment of Inertia (.486 in^4, 2"x2"x1/8" struct steel), Modulus of Elasticity (2.9E7psi), 30" beam length and set 2000# at centre. The formula (if I've done it all right) says the deflection will only be 0.08" at the centre. 4000# would deflect 0.16". What this doesn't tell me is whether the beam will collapse at that deflection. But I hope not, especially with the original arm bolted to it.
I am not an engineer, so any comments appreciated.