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Automotivetoys's avatar
Jul 09, 2016

Electrical System Question after Fire in RV Park 2016 Zinger

Hello all! I am the proud owner of a 2016 Zinger ZT27RL bumper pull TT. Trailer was purchased new in October 2015 and has been in a local park near my work ever since. I have been RV'ing now for 11yrs with 5 different trailers so I have "some" experience with trailers but what has happened recently has me worried and confused....

Recently, the office at our RV park went up in flames and burned to the ground. I am the 3rd trailer from the office. **There is NO breaker on the meter pole that my RV is plugged into** I am the only person on that pole, but no breaker. 30amp pole. 50amp trailer dog-boned down to 30.

I was not home following the fire and when I returned several days later my trailer had no power, lights, 12v, nothing! Except the microwave, it was working fine, but everything else and I mean everything dead as a doornail" I attempted to check breaker at pole but was shocked to find that there isn't one!

I went to my converter box, and flipped all the breakers. The one labeled "CORD" that is a 30 amp breaker, well it had resistance but didn't stay "up" all the way like the others. And when I flipped it a second time, sparks shot everywhere and it made a buzzing sound like a white kitchen timer from the 70's-80's. I used a rubber shoe to flip the main breaker off while this chaos was happening!

So I employ the services of a local RV repairman who is 5 star rated online with many reviews and recommendations from those in the park. He says I need new converter box after looking at things, and that's fine I had him order one at my expense of course, BUT NOW, I'm being told that all the circuit boards in my trailer are fried! AC, fridge, furnace, tv's, stereo, awning, etc.. (not the microwave, that **** thing is fine) and then there are lots of unknowns still like the awning and slide controls that I ordered with the wireless digital screens (like an iPad) so you can remotely operate such features.

And thus, leads us to the question, who is responsible for these damages to my RV?
My insurance company?
The RV park's insurance company?

Is the pole my RV is attached to suppose to have a breaker on it?! And if so, are the owners of the park negligent?! They have openly stated that it was an electrical fire that burned down the office. The repairman is saying that the fire, lack of breaker to cut off the leg of electricity supplying my trailer from office combined with water from fire department led to a massive power surge in my trailer that burned up all my electronics.

RV dealer that I have excellent purchase and service relationship with stated that based on the circumstances these items will NOT be covered under my 2yr bumper to bumper factory warranty through crossroads. (No surprise, not their fault)

I'm confused, concerned and afraid to call my insurance company until some of these questions are answered. I am waiting for the owners of the RV park to contact me and also waiting on the repairman to finish figuring out all that is wrong with my brand new trailer. I don't have a problem paying for the converter and installation but when you start talking about having to replace every control board in the whole trailer we enter a realm that I cannot afford. Repairman stated it would be covered under my insurance but again I feel if I tell my ins company the circumstances and about the fire, they will want me to file on the ins of the RV park since it seems all fingers point back to them and their "creative" electrical work throughout the park (this is in the country, outside city limits so very little if any code enforcement exists)

Any help, comments or suggestions would be much obliged!
Thanks in advance and happy rv'ing!!
  • You want it fixed call your insurance. Let them figure out who is responsible and if they can collect. In the meantime your trailer gets repaired.
    Besides if you go after your CG you may be asked to leave. If your insurance company goes after them it is just business and out of your hands
  • So sorry for all your problems. Can't even begin to imagine what you are going through right now. We stopped at a campground, long story shortened, their electric was bad at the pole. They paid for new converter and labor. However.I also lost the inverter (big bucks) and a few minor things. I let the inverter go, grateful they at least paid the converter which was less costly, but needed more.

    The rv tech said the bad electric could have taken out all the circuit boards, tv, micro, any 12 volt items. We were pretty fortunate at that.

    Do you have an extended warranty on the trailer? Might help. Legal responsibilities here....think I would contact a lawyer for a consultation fee to determine what the park responsibility is, give the park owner a short, reasonable time for their reaction. Probably in the end, would just turn it over to my insurance company, hopefully park will at least pay deductible, and let your insurance company battle it out with park's insurance. Just my opinion..

    Good luck and again, this is a major blow dealt to you and your family.