mpdive wrote:
Update. I looked underneath my kitchen cabinet and found a valve that I imagine is used for winterizing which was turned to the on position so the water was just recirculating itself through the hot water heater. I have plenty of hot water now at least from the electric side. I still have no action from the LP side though. At least I have hot water. Once I solve the LP side of it, I should have the problem licked. Again, thank you so much for all the help
Glad you found the WH bypass valve still open........easily forgotten but easily fixed.
OK electric is heating.
The propane isn't......
With the propane switch ON check for 12V DC to & thru t-stats (power from switch goes to ECO then to normal then to module-----RED wire)
You will have to remove the cover on t-stats.
Power to the ECO (top one) but no power out Normal (bottom one)---replace the 12V DC set of t-stats.
No power to ECO.....check connections in DC junction on backside of WH
Power out of both t-stats.....then you need to check for power at module on RED wire (module on back of WH)
Pull connector off of module and clean contact surface with pencil eraser.
With power to module on RED should get sparking at electrode and at same time have power on BROWN wire at gas valve (6-8 seconds while spark is going on)
Both sets of t-stats (electric & gas) ECO 180*F Open/Normal 130*F Open
Water temp needs to go below 100*F for t-stats to close.
Trace down where you lose 12V DC....good luck!