RoyJ wrote:
myredracer wrote:
Lynnmor wrote:
Maximum horsepower is at 5400 RPM, how close to that were you running when you couldn't hold the desired speed?
Around 4K is about all I can remember. It was kicking into a lower gear and up to around 5K at times but that was on inclines that weren't as steep. Like the F250, I thought if I slowed down on steeper hills and pushed the peddle to the floor it would kick into a lower gear but it wouldn't and I was stuck with lower rpms and less power.
Not sure what sensor(s) makes the tranny shift? Air flow or... ?? Maybe a sensor needs cleaning or an adjustment is needed on something?
Do you recall what rpm you were spinning in the V10? I wonder if the V10 happened to be geared perfect for the Coq and the GM 6 spd is stuck at a less than ideal rpm (4k). Less torque makes it more crucial to be perfectly geared.
Also, is this only during the steeper hill (8% one at the snowshed), or at the 6% hills as well?
IIRC, the V10 was running near or at 6K rpms at 65 mph, and maybe a little more. The new tires are 31.1" dia. They're a 70 profile compared to the OEM spec 75 and rmps would be a wee bit higher.
The 2500 was struggling on the inclines heading west out of Kamloops and again heading west out of Merrit. The 8% grade I believe is on the section heading east from Hope and up through the snowshed. The V10 easily made it up the 8% grade section.
Odd that when the grade wasn't as steep (like around 6-ish %), the 2500/V8 kicked into a lower gear and ran at higher rpms okay and could maintain 65 mph. But on steeper grades it didn't change gears and I really slowed down - presumably in part because it was putting out lower HP at the lower rpms.