Forum Discussion

jmullan99's avatar
Apr 12, 2017

Entry door bottom aluminum cap: What's it called?

The trailer I purchased is in excellent shape. I've spent very little cleaning it up. But the front entry door has no aluminum cap on the bottom. Yes, the wood at the bottom has rotted, and I plan to remove and fix up the door. But.....

I presume it is extruded aluminum, but is it an item that can be purchased? If so, is there a specific "name" when I'm looking or asking around?

If it can't be purchased, what is a reasonable replacement? Angle aluminum?

Thanks for any help.
  • Sorry folks. I'm not talking the sill. I mean the the bottom of the actual door itself. Part of the frame that holds the door itself together.
  • Bottom trim. They are not on every door but I don't know why. It is the first part of every RV door that fails.
  • When you finally make the repair, caulk the window in the door if you have one. Those windows tend to leak and water seeks its lowest level, the bottom of the door.
    My dealer always sealed every door that was in his shop.
  • Thanks that sounds like a idea.
    I actually ended up tearing the door apart at the bottom. The bottom wood was getting rotten. I replaces it and used some angle aluminum in place of the trim that should have been there. I had it and wood anyway. I put silicone in there also. Looks good and the door actually moves/closes better! I'll do the window as suggested.
  • If there is a chance that moisture can enter the door, such as via the window, don't completely seal that bottom trim. Leave a couple of weepholes that water could escape from in case it gets inside the door somehow.