After using an EQ for 2.5 years and 10,000 miles I can vouch for the gouges and groves in the head where the bars are connected. Think about it for a minute. The WDH is tilted down to the ground and you're trying to lift the rear of the truck with two 3' bars by applying upward lift where the bars and WDH meet. That's why there's groves in the WDH where the bars are inserted. Anyone that thinks there's no sway provided at that point doesn't understand physics. Every time my EQ got noisy I greased the sockets. The noise went away. If there wasn't any pressure being applied at those sockets then there wouldn't be noise. Now with that being said applying grease there has to reduce the sway properties. By applying grease IMO you're reducing the sway control to only 2pts. At some point when the grease gets worn away and the noise reappears then the 4pt sway control becomes active.