I had a CC/LB 3500 SRW last year, and a CC/SB 2500 this year. I drive it daily to Detroit, and park in a parking deck. It is used for farming, camping, and family activities. The long bed took more work to drive daily, and parking deck required specific spaces if I wanted to get out of the parking space in less than a couple minutes. The long bed hauled the trailer better on the freeway. The short bed is much easier to backup trailers and park them. My 1500 is a double cab, and does fine if you are not travelling with tall individuals in the back seat. An occasional back seat passenger for shorter distances is fine. I am lucky that I do not need to pick one of these, I use my 3500 Express to haul my trailer when I am not assigned a truck that will do the job. (I do debate whether I would rather have a 15 passenger instead of 12.)