Forum Discussion

tkhollywood's avatar
May 30, 2013

Eterna bond

Just wondering what people are doing to prep their roof before apply the Eterna bond tape. I saw some videos on you tube, to use Acetone on the roof before applying. It is a rubber roof.
  • I just prepped my roof for summer.Used 1/4 can of Collinite and 2hrs of elbow grease.Looks magnificent,Gotta love Gelcoat TT.
  • So you take off all the sealer at the seams and clean the surface and roll eternabond tape down is all?
  • Georshrwd wrote:
    Please pardon my ignorance but what is eterna bond tape used for? Is this used to seal the roof seams instead of caulking.
    Yes, and after you use it, there will be no other product that comes close to the same effectiveness.
  • Please pardon my ignorance but what is eterna bond tape used for? Is this used to seal the roof seams instead of caulking.
  • I actually applied it in standing water once, it sealed and held well for the 2 years I owned that trailer.
  • Thoroughly scrub the area to applied with something that doesn't leave a film. Get all the dirt off, then do the acetone as instructed.

    You'll get some people that will pop in and tell you to never use acetone on your roof. I've applied Eternabond tape on my previous trailer 3 years ago. As alid said above, just don't soak the roof in it and it will work great.
  • x2 That's what I used.. it flashes off fast.. just don't lay the soaked rag down on the rubber roof.
  • Acetone works great, just soak a clean rag and rub and it evaporates quickly and the Eternabond sticks great. :)