Lantley wrote:
tplife wrote:
Most dealers won't accept TruCar relationships for that very reason, and any salesman who matches their pricing is going to be out of a job unless he makes the lost profit and costs back on the trade. The opinions given above who suggest otherwise don't know the industry. CarMax is also notorious for lowballing trade-in values and only beat dealers by a small amount statistically. (When between labs I stay busy with a seller's license, I'm GMC and Ford Certified.) If you need to buy a vehicle, get your advice from Consumer Reports. Getting it from where you are reading this right now is not the place.
Car Fax is paying wholesale value.
They are generally paying what the car is worth with fewer gimmicks than a traditional dealer.
There are only 3 options: sell yourself, trade it in or Carfax
Carafe is a good option to have
I recently saw a commercial for this Car Fax service..I trust you, if you say it's a good option, I'd give it a shot.