2oldman wrote:
Nothing unusual here. Dealers do whatever they can to make as much profit as they can. I bet they hate the internet.
I think these days dealers are very well aware of what the prices are on the internet. Where do you think KBB and Edmunds and all those places get their pricing information from? Dealers! Those "internet prices" already include profit for the dealers. Many places put higher prices on their vehicles on the lot, and if a buyer doesn't look at internet prices, the dealership just makes that much more profit. If you bring up an internet price, the dealer will most likely quickly drop the price on the car on the lot to match - all the while bemoaning that he is not making money and will go out of business. Dealers complaining about the internet is just another selling tactic.
My local Ford dealership prices their vehicles to match what you will come up with on internet searches. Kinda makes the buying process easier, as there is actually less haggling... except for things like nitrogen filled tires! lol!
As to trade ins -- I have many times just traded in an old vehicle because of being lazy. They take it, with all its issues, knock a certain amount off the new vehicle, and I don't see it again.
I have never (yet, at least) had a dealership change their offer for my trade in after we've settled on prices. That would make me walk away from the deal. The only change to this would be if there was some additional damage or wear on the trade in while waiting for the new vehicle to come in. Last time I did a trade in, I was able to park my truck until the new one came in, so it was in the same condition it was when they estimated it.