IF you lived in Wa st, you paid for tab as far as weight, is 150 percent of tare to next higher ton. So if you weigh 7500 lbs, times 1.5 equals 11250, to 12K gvw. You would be legal to that weight, assuming you have paid for that tonnage. Does not matter if the door sticker says 8600 to 11400, 25 or 35 series on the door......
Been pulled over at 150 percent of door sticker, weighed, never gotten an over weight ticket, as I was under the bridge load law! RCW45.xxx will get you Washingtons laws on weights and how they are enforced. I've even had LEO's from this state pipe up that the door sticker is meaningless here. Would guess this is true elsewhere also!
NOW, not recommending going over the door sticker is fine, but to say it is illegal is incorrect.