Forum Discussion

SideHillSoup's avatar
Dec 05, 2017

exhaust tip

For those of you with a diesel truck and a camper that hangs out past the end of the box like mines does ( 3ft)
Has anyone installed an exhaust tip to try and help turn the exhaust down and away from the truck / camper?
If so how well does it work if at all?
Thanks Soup
  • If you have a problem with soot accumulation from the exhaust of a DPF equipped Duramax, you have a DPF problem. My 2008 still shows no soot in the tailpipe.

    The design of the tailpipe for DPF equipped diesels all mix fresh air with the exhaust right at the tailpipe. Each manufacturer does it with a slightly different design but the function is to cool the exhaust gasses during a DPF active regen cycle where the internal DPF temperature can exceed 932°F.