Here in Ontario the runs from where my camper is located on the campsite to the power post is more often than not a long way so I always carry a minimum of 100' of cable. However, dragging that much 10 gauge around when we rarely use A/C gets old very quickly so I'm made up a couple of 12 gauge extensions which are much lighter and easier to deal with. One is 25', used those few times the campsite power post is located quite close to the camper, and a 75' when it's not. Each cable is terminated with
Leviton Wetguard 15 amp plugs & receptacles and when used together allow me to even reach a power post that's 100' away. I can therefore plug directly into campsite 15 amp service (or 20 amp when we happen to be in the US) or I can also dogbone the post end of the cable so I can plug into 30 amp service. Typically we draw only a few amps at any given time so voltage drop is irrelevant but those times we may use an electric heater voltage drop is still within accepted limits and the heater itself, as a resistance load, doesn't care whether incoming source voltage under load may be 115 vac or 105 vac, it works just fine. :B