pianotuna wrote:
So that 1500 watt heater puts out only 1,140 watts.
SoundGuy wrote:
Rarely does a so-called "1500 watt" electric heater actually draw 1500 watts, most often much less.
myredracer wrote:
I'd like to see a link from credible sources that can back that up.
I'd go remeasure each of the 1/2 dozen electric heaters I own but guess what - I don't have to "back up" anything and frankly don't care whether you believe it, or not. :p FACT is, only one of my heaters that are labeled as "1500 watt" draws anywhere near that much, ALL the rest pull much less.
The OP's original question was whether 100' of 12 gauge drawing from a 15 amp circuit would be suitable for his intended use and the answer is YES. Even assuming a maximum draw of 15 amps voltage drop over that 100' of 12 gauge would only be 4.76 volts. Heck, even if the unloaded source voltage was as low as 110 vac voltage drop over that length of 12 gauge, pulling 15 amps, would still only be a loss of 4.33% and well within a preferred maximum loss of 5%. Choosing 100' of 12 gauge is a no-brainer for the OP's intended purpose. It's also a much less costly solution than 100' of 10 gauge.