swimmer_spe wrote:
Me Again wrote:
kellem wrote:
OP, if your looking new then Ford currently owns the market with the 6.7 PS or the 7.3 gas.
I actually wanted a Ram but simply couldn't overlook this.
It is called different strokes for different folks. I had three RAM/Cummins trucks(1993, 2001.5 and 2015) and loved each one. Never was stranded on the side of the road, 1994 to 2021.
If only they made that truck combination. How bad are the Dodge transmissions?
While the diesel “gurus” are arguing the finer points of fuel mileage and who’s trans is real and who’s is fake....
Dodge ( to trigger the “it’s a RAM” folks) HD truck aren’t “bad” per se. But the 68, while as reliable as any (IMO) is just a clunky antiquated unit that shifts like a wet bag of dog c rap. The Aisin is a stout get er done great towing trans ( although the 68 acts better towing than bobtail) that doesn’t have any meaningful aftermarket ability to be built up for the (small %) of mod truck guys. IMO it’s on par with Ford and GMs old 6 speeds, easily.
BUT since you’re a ways out from buying a new truck, the “Dodge” will have a 8speed ZF trans very soon. It’s not highly publicized, actually Ram and ZF are keeping it on the down low, but the deal is done. Then Ram will have a trans that is competitive with the current competition.