Terryallan wrote:
proxim2020 wrote:
Thomas/NH wrote:
Ford has been good for me... Back during the recession when the big three were looking for a bailout, I was impressed by Ford's position and decided to back them. I bought 5000 shares at $1.59 (against my broker's better judgment, "you're throwing your money away") now it's $13.17 (now back to investment grade and paying dividends again). I know I should be shrewd and divest, but with the new models coming out and the investment in electrics I'm going to let it ride.
I've alway owned Fords both personally and in my company, they've served me well.
You do know Ford ended up taking money from the government right? Originally they approached the government like all others asking for $9 Billion, but changed their mind when they got a slick idea. They instead borrowed almost $6 Billion from the Energy Department instead of going through TARP (The Bailout Program). They could then say that they didn't have to take bailout money. Ford Credit received almost $16 billion from the government. Ford's financial arm borrowed more than any other competitor. The fact is everybody got bailed out in one way or another.
A lot of difference between a LOAN, and a Bailout. they also took out the loan long before the bailout. I have a loan for my house. Trust me. It is NOT a bailout.
From Investopedia:
"What is a 'Bailout'
A bailout is a situation in which a business, an individual or a government offers money to a failing business to prevent the consequences that arise from the business's downfall. Bailouts can take the form of
loans, bonds, stocks or cash. They may require reimbursement. Bailouts have traditionally occurred in industries or businesses that are perceived as no longer being viable or are sustaining huge losses."
It wasn't free money that the government was handing out. They wanted it back and still do. These were always meant to be loans. GM was paying something like 7 percent on their loan which they paid back in full.