The EB is the only 1/2 ton on the market I'd buy for frequent towing use. I love how ours performs when towing.
Works fantastic in the mountains, where it can climb a 7% grade at 65 mph in 4th gear, 2500 rpms just humming along. Engine braking is fine, too, despite what some have said. Yeah, it has a little less, and I need a gear lower than I did w/ my GM 5.3 sometimes, but it isn't a big deal. Put it this way -- we came down from 10,500 ft to 5000 ft over about 20 miles a few weeks ago, and I barely touched the brakes. Oh, and the engine never needed more than 2500 rpm going the other way.
I know fuel economy is a hot issue w/ the EB, but mine has met or exceeded my expectations. I can easily exceed 21 mpg on the freeway unloaded. Around town, it is 17-18. Or, in other words, better than both my diesel or my 5.3 1/2 ton by a couple mpg!