BenK wrote:
Folks have responded more than thought...a good this needs
to be addressed...often
That guy who PM'd is typical and didn't want to take responsibility for
his own risk management decision (gambling) and only wanted help in
suing the adviser from this portal...
Told him the admin's won't provide the contact info, etc, etc...
He did turn on me during that cycle and stopped communication after
asked him about the break in and how his return trip went
Accountability for both the inquiry and advice provided...that will NOT
change. Mainly why don't come by often anymore. Mainly to check for PMs
from lurkers asking for advice. Marvel at the heaps of design margin
OEM's have in their offerings...and folks don't understand the concept
of 'consuming the OEM's design margin' when they advise to go for
is good for it...
The OEM's must love they often get either the repair business
directly or via independents who order parts...or get to sell another
On that, am seeing many continue to stay in the lower TV class and is
smack on target to their demographics survey's...many will NOT own
anything but a half ton...and not knowing 'which' half ton they are
Too bad we lost some posts with all the forum problems over the last few days, but anyhow.
This guy sounds like a real id10t. I'm also really starting to question the validity of his story. I imagine you could tow a 15,000 lb. trailer behind an F-150 for at least a few thousand miles before you blew something up. Unless you are drag racing all 2,000 miles. For him to blow up two rearends on a single trip to me says he was doing more than just pulling an overweight trailer.
Remember, a stock Tundra pulled the space shuttle (300,000 lbs.) for a short distance and didn't implode.
Can't believe somebody really thought they could sue thru the internet. This guy must have been some kinda special.