spoon059 wrote:
Just one more reason why the buyer should be more knowledgeable about the truck than the seller... Sorry you got hit with a higher price (with is really NOTHING in the grand scheme of a 4 or 5 year vehicle loan, FYI), but better knowledge of the product you are buying could have prevented this.
The sad thing is that I was aware of it and that is why I had the whole package checked. The discount just slipped my mind when he questioned whether I really wanted it. I realized my mistake two days later but was leaving for a family Christmas vacation the next day and sent him an email asking him to fix the mistake. He decided to put it off until we met face to face and I didn't get back until January 1st and the price increase. Now I have to get with him to see if we can get the order fixed without re-pricing the whole order. Since I have in writing where I asked for the fix before January 1st I am fairly optimistic.
I feel like it was an honest mistake, with 5 or 6 trim levels, 3 cabs and a myriad of options I have yet to find any dealer that really knows all there is to know about ordering a 150, much less the entire Ford line. The dealer has to punch in the order codes for each item that he wants and then submit the entire order at one time. His order form is not interactive like the customer "build it yourself" order form is. Also, the options are not identified the same way. Even though I sent him the link to what I had put together it took him about 15 minutes to translate what I had specified into the format that he had to submit. I was across the desk from him the whole time and had to help in some places. The confusion is unbelievable. That is what I am blaming my brain fart on.