Acdii wrote:
My truck has the basic mirrors, with puddle and turn signals, but only come out to 97" max. I don't want to replace them with the huge towing mirros you see on Max Tow trucks, and was looking on Amazon for clip ons. Any recommendations for those who have the Lariat mirrors on 2010+ F150? I would like ones that go on and off easy without having to modify the stock ones, or cause damage to them.
Spend the money on the huge OEM towing mirrors.. Don't waste your money on clip, slide or clamp on mirrors..
The difference is night and day.
My first truck I tried CIPA mirrors which slid over top to existing mirrors.. They looked more stupid than the larger towing mirrors, cost well over $100 and shook badly compared to the factory mirrors.. In the end when I traded my truck in I could not find a buyer to buy the mirrors, I ended up giving them to Goodwill.. Took a beating buying them and a beating getting rid of them.
Additionally the slide on mirrors prevented the factory mirrors from folding in.. I was always concerned about someone HITTING those mirrors and the factory ones would get broke in the process..