mbloof wrote:
Where's my popcorn??
Considering 3/4T is 1500lbs a payload of over 3000lbs is not bad at all.
Personally, I'd check the tire ratings and upgrade them as needed and load it up and get on the road.
Others will tell you that you need a 1T DRW with 14,000 GVWR to carry that (any!) camper.
- Mark0.
(PS: there is no way to magically or otherwise change the trucks factory payload sticker, you ether pay attention to it, don't or get a truck with different values)
I pull that all the time with a SRW F350. On the OP that 3/4 ton is the same truck as the F350 but a different spring pack. Try towing and if it sags too much have the F350 springs installed. Nothing can be done about the door sticker. I can say after a 25 year career in LE
two as a motor officer doing traffic safety I never checked a trucks sticker for weight only VIN.