You are talking about working for asphalt company. How many lbs per square ft can.asphalt handle, before it gets torn apart? THAT is the engineer spec that police enforce! Not the Ford, GM, Mack, Peterbuilt engineer design vehicle ratings. Hence my comment, engineer ratings be danged!
Many.of.these vehicles.have specs greater capacities than the road bed capacities. Again, law states the road bed capacity gets enforced, not vehicle design capacities. That is what you have to wrap your brain around!
I was asked to build an engineered design wall of concrete blocks. I took one look at engineer's signed spec, self, this is designed incorrectly! Found manufactures.spec, that met environmental spec that better matched what was really going on. Got city to sign off on MY spec. I've also had wall projects go other way. My initial design was not strong enough. Engineer came in, said do it this way, I built it that way.
As many, if you.have to ask, use door stickers! Even at that, how many have bought Per door sticker, only to find out the door sticker was not it was cracked up to be! Been there done that! Very expensive mistake. I can name a.few posters.that followed.The " you'll be fine mantra" you're under rating, I've said BS! Guess who was correct?
Need to quit typing on stupid droid auto correct phone!