Ditto on the hair dryer, Goo Gone and Patience. Once you get a corner or two loose, just concentrate on that area working the decal off as it will. If you pull too hard, it'll break and you're back to Square 1. Goo Gone is great and then wash the whole area with a solution of Dawn and water...should take off any remaining residue. You'll likely have a shadow of the old decal and if you plan to replace it with OEM - contact the manufacturer and don't expect it to be cheap - you can use that shadow to help realign the new one. We did this on the rear bunk of our ROO HTT and the cost for the new Kangaroo on skates was about $50 incl shipping. It came with instructions that said something to the effect "reapply", well, thanks for the help! When we had our boat many years ago, we ordered the name for the rear (I know that's not the real name of it) and it said to use a solution of Dawn and water, wet the whole area well and lay the decal on. The water solution will give you some time to work to get it aligned and then one of those small wallpaper plastic squeegee tools to gently work the water out. Let it dry and you're good. I did call FR and talked to a guy about the directions and he didn't care one way or the other about the Dawn and water solution, but remember that they apply hundreds and it doesn't matter if their alignment is great because there is nothing under it to show. This is easy and works like a charm. Remember the patience. BTW, welcome to the forum. Every so often someone is having a bad day - don't take it personally.