mich800 wrote:
And why would someone take the words of an uninvolved party and assume they are privy to any facts of the case? Here are some scenarios about this dealer that seems to know all the facts:
1. They took the bribe and have a vested interest in this going away.
2. They didn't take the bribe but need FCA to survive so have a vested interest.
3. They think they are smarter than everyone else so qualified to speak on something without facts.
4. If they actually have facts or are involved it is a very poor decision to be discussing a case that may very well involve them.
5. They are just guessing but want to be part of the action.
Dude where in this statement did I say what he said are the FACTS? " I talked with the owner of the dealership I go to and he said that it's just a dealer disgruntled about something FCA did."
This is his opinion and being a long time dealer they all know each other and go to the dealer meetings! As a small time dealer I'm 100% sure it is #2 in your list, just like most other dealers.
Funny JALLEN4 posted this about the dealer, "Napleton likes to keep his lawyers busy. He's also suing Volkswagen over the diesel scandal and sued Jaguar Land Rover over right of first refusal. At least the legal community will profit! " then this "Nope. If FCA did something wrong, they should be held accountable. But like a divorce, there's his side, her side, and the truth. We'll just have to wait and see what comes out of it."
I agree 100% with his last statement and if FCA is cooking the books then whoever is involved needs to be fired. But since nothing ever happens to the big boys and girls at the top (think GM and ignition switch here) it is all a big joke.